About Spacerock.com

Spacerock.com was first launched in November, 1997. A lot has changed since then - the creator of this site is a web developer. But what is that now? The names for one who creates websites has changed so much over the years:

  • Webmaster - 1995 - 2000
  • Full Stack Developer - mid 2000's to ?
  • UX Developer

  • User Experience Developer - encompasses a user's experience on a website - how they are feeling, ease of use.
  • UI Developer

  • User Interface Developer - the actual interface - what buttons, menus, links, etc. are being used to allow the visitor to move around on the site
  • SEO Specialist (Search Engine Optimization
...and the list goes on...

I'll have to pull up some wayback archives and post them here - this site has undergone so many changes - more changes in appearance than Madonna! It has been my playground since the very start of my career. I have fun with it, at any given time, something is probably broken. Since this is my site, it gets shoved to the back of the freezer a lot. I do try to keep it current - to keep my site current, keeps my skillset sharpened.

On that note, current writing as of now - October, 2023, I am an Associate UX Developer. My backend programming is not something I do in my actual job - that is some sort of sick hobby that I flex my muscles in here, and on other sites I do.

I probably have no visitors. Ever. But, if you have happened upon this crazy site, drop me a line. I'd love to hear from you if you aren't some sort of spam bot, or weird psycho that hangs out on Facebook wanting to be friends with all of us females. Sheesh. Creepy.

Until this site reaches 30 years old, I think this is the design I'll stick with. Hopefully I won't be hit by a bus before the 30th anniversary. It's just around the corner...I'll have to dynamicize that statement and make a countdown sort of thing - oh there I go again with my programmy brain running off onto its own Harley ride into geek-land...