Strange Times Upon Us

March 23, 2020

This time in history is awfully strange.  I never thought we'd have anything like this happen and I wonder if the media is being twisted by inducing all of this.  It just takes me to the opening lines of Tale of Two Cities.  I'm not exactly a scholar by any means, but this resonates today from centuries ago!  So here we are, all on lockdown.  We aren't supposed to go out for anything except "essentials."  But it's funny how many people were waiting for the doors to open at Total Wine this last weekend...

I knew I had to visit and post on this old website o' mine.  Facebook has replaced this site in a way, but I don't have the heart to kill spacerock.  I'm still trying to figure out what to do about this and my handful of other websites that are running on an old version of php that will go away soon, and then everything will blow up and stop working.  Problem is, after doing websites for a quarter of a century, it doesn't have the shine it once did.  Oh well. It's all because php changed the way it queries data.  A few years ago, I would have jumped in eagerly to learn but now?  No interest.  Kind of sad as I used to love this.

I don't know if anyone even visits my site anymore; if I wanted to, I could install some stat tracking code but...nah...

So I'll keep recovering as my knee is still achy, clean out my pantry, make some homemade sourdough bread, clean out the hall closet, the craft room, etc.  I return to work at the end of April - everyone is working from home. 

Until later - I hope we can all look ack on this and face palm...